No. PER.05/MEN/2005



Considering :

Referring to :


To stipulate :



Article 1

As used in this Decree :


Article 2

Any export of carrier media from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to oversas is obliged to :

Article 3

The requirement from the country of destination as meant in Article 2 letter c, shall be proven and/or declared, among others, in:

Article 4

(1) Any export of carrier media from one area into another area within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to:

(2) Obligation furnish the Health Certificate for Domestic Fish as meant in paragraph (1) letter c is not applicable to exportation of Other Materials.

Article 5

If the carrier media reported and submitted to the quarantine officer as meant in Article 2 letter b or Article 4 letter b, constitutes carrier media:

Article 6

(1) Obligations as meant in Article 4 paragraph (1) are applicable to exportation of carrier media originating from an area that is not freed from Pests and Diseases of Quarantine Fish (HPIK) to a HPIK free area.

(2) Area not free from HPIK as meant in paragraph (1) means an area in which, based on on monitoring, a pest and disease of quarantine fish is found.

(3) Area free from HPIK as meant in paragraph (1) means an area in which, based on on monitoring, a pest and disease of quarantine fish is not found.

(4) Area not free and Area free from HPIK as meant in paragraph (1) is based on dissemination region of the pests and diseases of quarantine fish that have been stipulated.

Article 7

(1) For every exportation of carrier media as meant in Article 2 in the form of:

(2) For every exportation of carrier media as meant in Article 4 in the form of:

Article 8

(1) If the provisions as meant in Article 7 are fulfilled by the owner of carrier media, then the carrier media is subjected to quarantine action.

(2) If the provisions as meant in Article 7 are not fulfilled by the owner of carrier media, then the quarantine officer can refuse such a carrier media.


Article 9

(1) Quarantine action for exportation of carrier media includes examination, isolation, observation, treatment, detention, refusal, destruction, and release.

(2) Quarantine action as meant in paragraph (1) is conducted in the Fish Quarantine Unit.

(3) Fish Quarantine Unit as meant in paragraph (2) is place together withal infrastructures and facilities in it that is used to implement the quarantine action.

(4) Examination as meant in paragraph (1) includes examination of clinical and/or laboratory basis.

(5) For purpose of inspection as meant in paragraph (1), sample of carrier media is taken, on the following provisions:

(6) During the course of quarantine action as meant in paragraph (1), the carrier media is prohibited to:

Article 10

(1) Carrier Media that will be subjected quarantine action must conform to the type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media listed in the request letter for examination submitted by the carrier media owner or his/her proxy.

(2) If the type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media by the time of examination does not conform to the type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media listed in the request letter for examination, then the carrier media owner or his/her proxy is obliged to submit reapplication in accordance with the type, quantity, and/or size of the carrier media that will be examined.

(3) Provisions as meant in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are not applicable to the excessive quantity if carrier media in case for purpose of fish health examnation and/or reserve in the event of death of or damages to the carrier media, until maximum 5% (five percent) of the quantity of each type of carrier media to be delivered.

(4) The excess of carrier media as meant in paragraph (3) is remain subjected to quarantine action.

(5) If quantity of carrier media to be exported exceeds the provision as meant in paragraph (3), then then such an excess is refused.

Article 11

(1) As to the carrier media that will exported from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, if from the the clinical and and/or laboratory examination as meant in Article 9 paragraph (3) found that the carrier media is :

(2) As to the carrier media to be exported from one area into another area within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia if from the the clinical and and/or laboratory examination as meant in Article 9 paragraph (3) found that the carrier media is:

(3) If, after treatment as meant in paragraph (1) letter c, it appears that the carrier media:

Article 12

(1) Quarantine action as meant in Article 9 shall be conducted within 14 (fouten) as from the quarantine officers receipt of carrier media from the carrier media owner or his/her proxy.

(2) Period as meant in paragraph (1) can be extended if, based on result of clinical and/or laboratory examnination, further quarantine action is still needed.


Article 13

(1) The Quarantine officer is obliged to re-eaxmine the carrier media that will be exported, to check the conformance between the contents of quarantine document and the type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media.

(2) The rechecking as meant in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to at least 25% (dua puluh lima prosen) dari type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media to be exported, that are selected randomly, or to all of the carrier media to be exported if deemed necesary.

(3) The rechecking as meant in paragraph (1) shall be conducted not later than 2 (two) hours before departure.

(4) If, based on rechecking as meant in paragraph (1), it appears that the contents of quarantine document are conform to the type, quantity, and/or size of carrier media to be exported, then the quarantine officer delivers the Health Certificate for Fish and Fish Products or Health Certificate for Domestic Fish to the owner of carrier media in the place of export.

(5) If, based on rechecking as meant in paragraph (1), it appears that the type specified in the quarantine document does not conform to the type of carrier media to be exported, then it is refused.

(6) If, based on rechecking as meant in paragraph (1), it appears that the quantity and/or size specified in the quarantine document does not conform to the quantity and/or size of carrier media to be exported, then it is refused.

(6) Apabila berdasarkan pemeriksaan ulang as meant in paragraph (1) terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara jumlah and/or ukuran yang tercantum dalam quarantine document dengan jumlah and/or ukuran carrier media to be exported, then such an excess of the quantity and/or size is refused.

Article 14

The carrier media that has beeen rechecked is repacked by the the owner or his/her proxy under supervision of the quarantine officer.

Article 15

(1) Any importation of carrier media from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to abroad, that is, at the time of departure, not completed with the Health Certificate for Fish and Fish Products required by the country of destination, is refused.

(2) Any importation of carrier media from a non-HPIK free area to a HPIK free area within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, that is, at the time of departure, not completed with the Health Certificate for Domestic Fish, is refused.

(3) The carrier media that is refused as meant in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), that is not arranged for by the carrier media owner or his/her proxy, is destroyed.


Article 16

(1) As to any importation of carrier media from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to abroad that is not required by the country of destination to furnish Health Certificate, or from one area into another area within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia that is not required to be furnisghhed with Health Certificate for Domestic Fish, the carrier media owner is obliged to report and submiot the carrier media to the quarantine officer in the place of export.

(2) Reporting and submission of carrier media as meant in paragraph (1), iscondcted in order to prevent the possible exit of carrier media that is forbiden and/or controled/limited based on type, quantity, size, destination, and/or purpose of its exportation.

(3) The Quarantine officer is obliged to visually check the carrier media that has sbeen reported and submitted as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 17

As to the carrier media as meant in Article 16 paragraph (1) in the form of:

Article 18

(1) If, after examination as meant in Article 16 paragraph (3), it appears that the type, quantity, and/or size of the carrier media:

(2) As to carrier media that is refused from exportation as meant in paragraph (1) letter b, if, after 3 (three) days as from the issue Letter of Refusal, not arranaged for by the owner/his/her proxy or the owner/his/her proxy is not known, or rotten or danaged, then such a carrier media is destroyed.

(3) Certificate of Traffic for Fisxh/Fich Products as meant in paragraph (1) letter a is an official document signed by the quarantine officer in the place of export, stating that the carrier media can be transported to outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia or to anothet area within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia because the relevent carrier media is not categorized as type of fish/fishery peoducts that is forbidden or controlled/ limited in its exportation.

(4) Provisional Letter of Detention as meant in paragraph (1) letter b is an official document signed by the quarantine officer, stating that the carrier media in the place of export is detained because of not yet furnished with the quarantine document and/or other requirements or additional obligations as required, or not arranged for, or its owner is not known.

(5) Letter of Refusal as meant in paragraph (1) letter b is an official document signed by the quarantine officer in the place of export, stating that the exportation of carrier media is refused, due to the carrier media is beither free nor can be freed from the pests and diseases of quarantine fish nor meet other requirements.

Article 19

Quarantine officer is indemnified from any claim for compensation on damages and/or death of fishes or delay of departure, as long as the quarantine action as meant in this Regulation is conducted in accordance with the prevailing provisions.

Article 20

(1) Any and all costs incurred from the implementation of quarantine action are charged to the owner of carrier media or his/her proxy.

(2) Any and all revenues resulted from the costs as meant in paragraph (1) constitute non-tax state revenue that must be remitted to the State Treasury.

(3) Provision as meant in paragraph (1) is not applicable to visual check of carrier media as meant in Article 16 paragraph (3).

Article 21

The Minister can stipulate additional obligations and/or other requirements for export of carrier media.


Article 22

Upon enactment of this Regulation, the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture, No. 245/Kpts/LB.730/4/90 concerning Quarantine Action for the Live Fish Imported from the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia is declared null and void.

Article 23

This regulation shall come into force as from the date of stipulation.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on March 18, 2005
